We have several different groups that you can join here at Trumpet Of Truth

S.A.L.T. is our Single Adults Living Truth
and is lead By Sherry Balzer and Brian Keener
This group gets together every other week for fun and fellowship.
for more information regarding this group please reach out to the office at office@trumpetoftruthministries.com
Young Adults
Young Adults is a group of amazing people between the ages of 18-30 that gather to learn and study God's word. This group is lead by Tony and Judy Gremaud. Young Adults meets every Thursday
at The River from 7pm to 9pm
Contact the office for more information
at office@trumpetoftruthministries.com

Monday Night Prayer
Monday Night Prayer INTERCESSION
For more Information contact the office at office@trumpetoftruthministries.com

The last Sunday of every month
We meet after Church at
The River 415 Dundas
for more info please contact the office at
Women Connect
Women Connect is a time for women to come together to share, fellowship and build each other up, come and connect, listen to fabulous teachings and enjoy laughter and good food.
Women Connect Meets on the second Saturday of every month at The River from 7pm -9pm
for more information contact the office at office@trumpetoftruthministries.com